There are 34 articles that meet your search term - George Bush - in the Archives.
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Politicians make promises on Arctic policy 08/24/2008
Renewable energy to be a priority, and international shipping rules must be established, Arctic parliamentarians decide
While President George Bush and John McCain were denouncing Russia's actions in Georgia, parliamentarians from the United States, Russia and several other countries were getting together to seek co...

ANWR price impact minimal, EIA says 06/01/2008
Report suggests ANWR production would have minimal impact on oil prices, greater impact on balance of trade, pipeline throughput
Oil production from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would reduce the price of crude oil by no more than $1.44 per barrel, according to a new Department of Energy study. The report challenges recen...

Bush calls for more U.S. production 05/04/2008
President sees American oil and gas, including ANWR, as a way to meet growing demand and cure increasing prices at the pump
A run of record oil and gasoline prices prompted President George Bush to renew calls for domestic drilling, especially in the 1002 area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, during a press conferen...

NPR-A in limbo 08/26/2007
Draft EIS for Northeast NPR-A out, earliest lease sale after 2008 election
The federal government's plan to open the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to oil and gas development has officially been derailed for at least two years, starting with a September 2006 court order t...

Herrera: Oil price drop temporary 01/28/2007
Alaska-based energy consultant sees oil price average in 2007 similar to 2006 with gradual annual increase in years to come; conservation, oil sands won't fill gap as oil output declines
In June 2006, Petroleum News asked its favorite oil price guru, energy consultant Roger Herrera, if crude oil would plummet to $40 a barrel in the foreseeable future as predicted by BP's CEO Lord John...

Free Venezuelan oil finally reaching Alaska villages, 11,000 homes eligible 01/21/2007
Alaska villages are finally receiving a much-criticized donation of heating fuel from Venezuelan oil company Citgo. More than 11,000 homes in rural Alaska are eligible for 100 gallons each as part of...

Alaska scientist making his mark at USGS 11/26/2006
Resignation from DNR's Division of Oil and Gas proved fortuitous for Mark Myers, who is now director of a national agency
What a difference a year makes. Mark Myers couldn't have been more accurate in using those words to describe his dramatic shift in fortunes since he resigned as head of Alaska's Division of Oil and Ga...

Agrium to decide on coal project in July 04/30/2006
Company is close to finishing first phase of feasibility study that's likely to decide the fate of huge Nikiski fertilizer plant
This coming summer will provide a crucial "litmus test" on whether Agrium Inc. and other potential investors pony up well north of a billion dollars to convert coal into feedstock for the Canadian com...

Energizing tensions 10/16/2005
Prime minister drops 'safe diplomacy,' warns Canada could sell to Far East
First, Paul Martin tested the water, then he took a headlong plunge where few Canadian prime ministers ever go, effectively telling President George Bush and Washington that their access to Canada's e...

Nuclear answer to U.S. energy needs 07/10/2005
A substantial increase in nuclear power will be a key element of solving energy needs in the United States, said former Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham - echoing remarks by his former boss, President...

Military spending bill opens Mississippi national park to oil and gas exploration 06/05/2005
Four paragraphs in a 96-page emergency military spending bill open a Mississippi national park designated as wilderness to oil and gas exploration, the Los Angeles Times reported May 31. The bill, sig...

MINING NEWS: Pebble mine would transform Alaska landscape 04/24/2005
Residents debate open-pit proposal that could double the population in region; Northern Dynasty fields barrage of questions at conference
Residents of Southwest Alaska - including a former state governor - expressed passionate opinions about the proposed Pebble open-pit mine at a conference in the village of Newhalen April 7-9, demonstr...

Bush: China's demand for crude 'growing like mad,' drives U.S. prices 04/24/2005
In Washington on April 14, U.S. President George Bush said China's appetite for crude was primarily to blame for rising oil prices, saying it was "growing like mad." "My view of China is, is that it'...

Sands answer to Shell reserve woes? 04/03/2005
Shell Canada is partner in possible C$17 billion investment over next 10-12 years; U.S. President George Bush sees Canada's oil sands as a chance to reduce overseas dependency
With Royal Dutch/Shell Group's reserves mess casting a cloud over the company, Shell Canada may have a multi-billion dollar solution to offer its parent company. The Alberta oil sands could be the ne...

Bush calls for LNG terminals, energy bill, less dependence on foreign oil 03/27/2005
In remarks at Pensacola Junior College March 18, President George Bush said the United States needs to be building liquefied natural gas terminals and doing more with nuclear power. And he called on C...

Subdued response to ANWR 03/27/2005
Ottawa to continue lobbying Washington to look at ways to protect caribou
Heading into a March 23 summit with the U.S. and Mexican presidents, the Canadian government did nothing more than reiterate its opposition to exploration of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In t...

Alaska natural gas pipeline caught in trade mess 03/13/2005
Canada, U.S. embroiled in missile defense, softwood lumber, cattle and wine disagreements; B.C. cabinet minister sees pipeline as chance to get U.S. attention
Canada and the United States have woven a tangled web that involves President George Bush's plan for a ballistic missile defense system, softwood lumber, cattle and wine, and threatens to ensnare the...

MEET ALASKA 2005: Political window of opportunity offers hope for Alaska 01/23/2005
A Republican-controlled Congress and a Republican president offer best chance in years for pro-Alaska measures, including opening the coastal plain of ANWR and heavy oil incentives
With George Bush in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress, the Alaska delegation's prospects for getting Congress to open the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil...

Business professor says high oil prices could topple U.S. President George Bush 06/06/2004
U.S. President George W. Bush's success in November is tied to what happens in June when the Iraq government is turned over to local control, a business professor says. "The political aspect of Iraq...

MMS weighing options for 'ultra-deep' incentives 05/09/2004
Government help appears on the way for "ultra-deep" explorers on the Gulf of Mexico's continental shelf, where wildcatting expenses are sure to be astronomical in this new and financially risky gas pl...

Energy bill on the wait list 01/25/2004
Senate vote not expected until late February; backers still short
Energy bill proponents and opponents are starting the new year the same way they ended last year - counting votes and waiting. Supporters, however, have one less senator in their column with the loss...

Alaska gas could push down prices temporarily 12/07/2003
Commission: Drop could average 56 cents per mcf in pipeline's first year
An 18-member national commission, funded by a collection of nonprofit foundations, says the large volume of new natural gas supply from an Alaska pipeline could knock down U.S. gas prices by $2.10 per...

National energy bill in final stretch 11/23/2003
Tax incentives, direct appropriations total tens of billions of dollars
Not all lawmakers and lobbyists were happy with what finally made it in or out of the nation's first comprehensive energy bill since 1992, but supporters said it's a politically practical series of co...

Alaska waits for national energy policy bill 10/19/2003
Negotiators in final push on gas line tax credits, other hard issues
As congressional negotiators struggled through their final hours of work on the long-awaited national energy policy bill, it looked increasingly likely that Alaska might not get its two biggest wishes...