Providing coverage of Alaska and northern Canada's oil and gas industry
March 2011

Vol. 16, No. 10 Week of March 06, 2011

AOGA sues over polar bear critical habitat

An Alaska petroleum industry trade group has sued the federal government over its designation of 187,157 square miles as polar bear critical habitat.

The Alaska Oil and Gas Association filed its lawsuit March 1 in Anchorage.

The State of Alaska and a coalition of Alaska Native groups also had given the federal government a required 60-day notice that they intend to sue over the recovery plan for polar bears. Those lawsuits have not been filed.

The Interior Department under former President George W. Bush declared polar bears a threatened species in 2008 because of the threat from diminishing sea ice.

The trade association says in its lawsuit that the proposed critical habitat for polar bears is excessive and arbitrary.

—The Associated Press

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