There are 49 articles that meet your search term - alternative fuels - in the Archives.
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DOTandPF studies compressed natural gas to power state's fleet 08/22/2010
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is studying whether Alaska would benefit economically and environmentally by using natural gas instead of crude oil products like diesel and gaso...
Rolling blackouts? 08/02/2009 The day of reckoning may be approaching for CI utility gas deliverability
During a severe cold snap in January 2009 the rate at which utility gas flowed from the Cook Inlet gas fields, providing energy for electrical power and heat for homes and businesses, came close to th...
Refiners move into alternative fuels 06/28/2009 Oil companies shop for discounted ethanol plants forced into bankruptcy by economy, frozen credit, wildly swinging corn prices; of some 200 U.S. plants, about two dozen in bankruptcy
When Sunoco closed in mid-June on the acquisition of a bankrupt ethanol plant in Fulton, N.Y., for pennies on the dollar, it became just the latest oil refiner to step into the alternative fuels marke...
Mining News: Mineral Roundup in Yukon Territory 03/29/2009
Yukon Territory has one producing mine, the Minto copper-gold-silver operation near the Yukon River north of Whitehorse. During 2008, more than 150 active hardrock exploration projects in the territor...
Stevens and Begich promote energy plans 07/13/2008 Both want a similar mix of traditional, renewable and alternative fuels, plus conservation measures and consumer protection
As the election year entered its final half and the state embarked on a new fiscal year, Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, and Gov. Sarah Palin jointly discussed the energy issues facing Alaska on July 2.
EIA: $126 per barrel average through '09 06/15/2008
The U.S. Department of Energy said June 11 that oil prices are expected to stay well above $100 a barrel and American motorists can expect gasoline prices around $4 a gallon through next year.
Guy Car...
State to host energy town hall meetings 05/04/2008
A new statewide energy plan currently under construction will focus on the smallest communities in Alaska and on developing localized sources of energy, according to a draft version of the plan posted...
Canada seeks oil sands exemption 03/30/2008 U.S. legislation banning use of 'nonconventional' fuels by military, agencies, rising political tide sets off counter-arguments regarding Alberta oil sands development
Forget about greenhouse gas regulations, royalty hikes, construction costs and labor shortages.
The Alberta oil sands sector may be getting dragged into its toughest fight yet, especially if Democrat...
Climate change takes U.S. center stage 11/25/2007 Consultant: Climate change, energy security concerns setting the agenda for U.S. government energy policy; could favor NS gas line
There was a time not too long ago when the forces that guided what passed for a U.S. energy policy in the corridors of Washington, D.C., could be summed up as a three-statement mantra: maximize supply...
Ecuador's president urges political role for OPEC 11/25/2007
Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa, in his first public speech since his country's official re-entry into OPEC, said Nov. 18 that the 13-nation oil producer group must take on a more political role an...