The U.S. Minerals Management Service announced today that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Aleutians East Borough to ensure that local interests are considered during the evaluation of the North Aleutian basin oil and gas lease sale proposed for 2011. The borough will serve as a cooperating agency in the MMS preparation of an environmental impact statement for the lease sale. The memorandum of understanding “provides a framework for coordination, communication, collaboration and the exchange of ideas between MMS and the borough,” MMS said. “MMS is pleased to have the Borough as a partner in this planning process,” said MMS Alaska Regional Director John Goll. “Borough leaders and staff bring a wealth of knowledge about Bristol Bay, its people, their concerns and their economies, which will help us evaluate the proposal for lease sale 214.” “It’s very important that the Borough is at the table throughout this planning process,” said Aleutians East Borough Mayor Stanley Mack. “The Borough has consistently supported leasing in the North Aleutian Basin, provided maximum protection is given to fishery and subsistence resources. Ensuring that offshore exploration and development is conducted in an environmentally safe manner is also crucial. We’re very pleased to have come together to sign the memorandum of agreement and are going forward with the process.” For the complete story see the June 8 edition of Petroleum News, available to subscribers online at noon, Friday, June 6, at