The federal Bureau of Land Management released the final supplemental environmental impact statement for Greater Mooses Tooth 2 yesterday. GMT2, operated by ConocoPhillips Alaska, is in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. ConocoPhillips submitted an application for a permit to drill in August 2015. BLM said it developed the final supplemental EIS with local community involvement. The Native Village of Nuiqsut and the state of Alaska were cooperating agencies. GMT2 would include a 14-acre pad and up to 48 wells, with the associated pipeline and access road crossing both Kuukpik Corp. owned lands and federally managed lands within NPR-A. The area was leased in 1999 and development was originally approved as CD7 in BLM's 2004 Alpine Satellite Development Plan EIS. A new application submitted by ConocoPhillips in 2015 relocated the drill pad to reduce potential environmental impacts. BLM said a notice of availability of the final supplemental EIS was to be published in the Federal Register today. - Petroleum News See story in Sept. 9 issue, available online Friday, Sept. 7 at For information on PN's news bulletin service, call 907-522-9469. PO Box 231651, Anchorage, AK 99523 - 1651