Vol. 25, No.03 Week of January 19, 2020
Providing coverage of Alaska and northern Canada's oil and gas industry

State of Alaska posts new activity maps

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Division of Oil and Gas releases North Slope and Cook Inlet maps with exploration and development work planned for 2020

Kay Cashman

Petroleum News

The latest North Slope and Cook Inlet oil and gas activity maps were posted on the Alaska Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Oil and Gas website on Jan. 14 (see North Slope map in the print and pdf versions of this story).

The Cook Inlet map highlights the following activities, with private sector 2020 work planned by two companies - Hilcorp and BlueCrest.

Hilcorp’s plans include the following:

* Drill a development well in the offshore North Cook Inlet unit.

* Drill two rotary sidetracks, GP-53 and GP-55, and maintain production in the Granite Point offshore unit. GP-53RD completed and online with initial rate of approximately 950 barrels of oil per day.

* Conduct an offshore field study to identify rig workovers, sidetrack drilling, waterflood optimization and other ways to increase production from the Trading Bay unit.

* North Trading Bay A-10 RD well suspended.

* Install two subsea power cables to Baker and Dillon platforms at Middle Ground Shoal unit in anticipation of potential platform reactivation.

* Drill new grass roots development well at Cannery Loop unit.

* Identified six prospects in Grassim Oskolkoff participating area in Ninilchik unit with drilling possible in 2020 or 2021 plan of development periods.

* Signed an agreement with Doyon Ltd. for a two-phase oil and gas exploration program in the Yukon Flats area. Phase 1 will be conducted in 2020-21 and include airborne gravity surveys and data analysis. Phase 2, depending on phase 1, will be done in 2022-23 and consist of a seismic survey.

BlueCrest, HEX and Raser

BlueCrest is planning to drill its first trident fishbone well in 2020 at its Cosmopolitan unit.

HEX LLC was the successful bidder in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware for the assets of Furie Operating Alaska LLC, including the Kitchen Lights unit and associated infrastructure. HEX, which bid $15 million, is 100% owned by John L. Hendrix (see related story in this issue).

A fourth company is also noted for Cook Inlet - Salt Lake City-based Raser Power Systems. The division is reviewing Raser’s application for a geothermal prospecting permit on three Mount Spurr tracts.

The company’s application was in response to a Feb. 20, 2019, division call for applications for geothermal exploration of the Mount Spurr area on the west side of Cook Inlet, involving 12 tracts on approximately 28,800 acres. The acreage is east of Lake Chakachamna, northwest of Trading Bay and 40 miles west of Tyonek on the southern flank of Mount Spurr.

Separately, the division recently released the Moquawkie 2D seismic survey through the Geologic Materials Center.

The division also issued a decision of no substantial new information for the 2020 Alaska Peninsula areawide lease sale, augmenting the Cook Inlet areawide lease sale area with the Southwest Cook Inlet exploration license area.

ConocoPhillips on North Slope

ConocoPhillips dominates activities on the North Slope (see adjacent map). To the west it’s developing the Narwhal prospect with production as early as 2022 from CD4.

Starting in second quarter, the company has six wells planned at the Fiord West prospect with Doyon’s new extended reach drilling rig.

Also in the works is ConocoPhillips’ Fiord West Kuparuk East Pilot program which involves drilling the Rhea-1 development well and collecting a vertical seismic profile.

The company also permitted 10 sites at the Willow, West Willow and Harpoon prospects, with expectations of drilling and testing up to seven exploration wells this winter.

Expect ConocoPhillips’ final investment decision for Willow by 2021, first oil by 2025-26, with peak production at 130,000 barrels a day.

Finally, ConocoPhillips is planning to develop its Nuna prospect, with production scheduled for 2022.

Oil Search has spud its Mitquq prospect well and is planning to drill the Stirrup well this winter. Pikka unit development drilling is scheduled to start in 2021, with first oil expected mid-2022, and full output starting in early 2024.

Eni is continuing drilling the NN-01 exploration well and planned NN-02 at its Nikaitchuq North unit. The company might be drilling three new wells and eight laterals from Spy Island for the project. The map says Eni permitted a new development well, and that first oil from Nikaitchuq North is expected in mid-2022, with full development starting in early 2024.

Hilcorp plans to add Raven pad at its Milne Point unit.

Another company planning to drill this winter is Accumulate Energy, with the Charlie 1 exploration well. which will test and evaluate the Seabee formation.

SAExploration permitted its Narwhal 3D seismic survey south of Nuiqsut and is continuing the second phase of acquisition for the Kuukpik 3D program. The company has a permit pending for the Staines 3D 2020 seismic survey.

Other companies noted on the North Slope map but with no timing listed for drilling are Jade Energy, Pantheon Resources and XCD Energy.

Upcoming lease sales are also noted and, of course, the state is evaluating the proposed purchase by Hilcorp of BP’s Alaska assets.

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