This month in history: MMS Beaufort lease sale draws $10 million
20 years ago this month: ConocoPhillips picks up three leases at Sandpiper prospect, EnCana goes for large block off NPR-A Kristen Nelson Petroleum News
Editor's note: This story first appeared in the Sept. 28, 2003, issue of Petroleum News.
Three companies bid more than $10 million at the U.S. Minerals Management Service's Sept. 24, 2003, Beaufort Sea sale, with a known field in the central Beaufort and a wildcat area north of the National Petrole....
[additional news subjects in this story]
Some tracts near existing exploration Armstrong playing off last year's success ConocoPhillips looking for gas EnCana evaluating Alaska portfolio 20 years ago: Sandpiper prospect a big draw
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