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ACES (Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share) 150, 156-157

AEnergia LLC 159, 177


AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act): changed by Alaska Legislature 133-134; companies’ views 148; Palin on 79-80; Palin’s popularity and passage 156-157; passes, applications 159, 161-162; proposed 65, 77-80, 83; 123; TransCanada application approved 179-180, 184-185, 187-195


Alaska Energy Authority 181

Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission 146


Alaska gas pipeline: central to 2006 gubernatorial race 61; estimated cost, risks 54, 93, 96, 108; North Slope to market, 1-2; pipeline companies 107-108; resource issue, shipping commitments 91; window for 90-91


Alaska Gasline Port Authority 37, 69-70, 75, 180-181, 184

Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority 73-76, 159, 162, 180-181

Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 147, 171-176

Alaska Permanent Fund 13-14, 193

Alaska Department of Natural Resources 46; see also Magnificent 7

Alberta oil sands 103

All-Alaska gas line proposal 179, 182, 184, 195

Alliance Pipeline 103-104

Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 6

Anadarko Petroleum 7, 129-130, 164

ARCO 181



Backbone II 180-181

Backes, Lori 32-33, 43-44

Banks, Kevin 68, 126-127

Beaufort Sea 145-146

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 117, 120

Berkowitz, Ethan 21, 59

BG Group 71, 76, 128-129, 164-165

Bowles, Jim 21; 185-187


Big 3 (BP, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil): Murkowski negotiations 1, 19; Murkowski favors 6; natural gas 167, 170; object to AGIA 130-132; Palin 2006 meetings 62, 64, 66; Palin on Stranded Gas Development Act 78-79; see also North Slope producers


BP: ACES 154; AGIA 89, 123, 131-132, 140, 145, 165; ARCO purchase 181; Denali 185-187; fiscal certainty 3; gas issue 167; Murkowski Stranded Gas Development Act Negotiations 1, 9; Palin 2006 meetings 62, 71; Palin on SGDA 78-79; Point Thomson 6; Prudhoe Bay 6; trans-Alaska oil pipeline tariffs 6; Van Tuyl, Dave , 99-101, 131-132;


Brintnell, Ron 108

Brooks Range Foothills 4, 8

Browne, Lord John 15-16

Buffett, Warren 120

Burkhard, Bill 177



Canadian Energy Research Institute 102-105

Chenault, Mike 80-81, 135, 137-138

Chevron 6, 128-129

Chukchi Sea 145

Clark, Jim 5, 22, 46, 57-60

Conoco 6-7


ConocoPhillips: AGIA 89, 123, 132, 140, 145, 165; Denali 185-187; fiscal certainty 3; formerly Phillips 181; gas issues 167; King, Wendy 132; Marushack, Joe 90-98; Murkowski 1, 9; non-conforming application 160, 165-166, 180, 183-85; Palin 2006 meetings 62, 71; Palin lack of support for offshore drilling 145; Palin on Stranded Gas Development Act 78-79; trans-Alaska oil pipeline tariffs 6


Corrupt Bastards Club 33, 42

Cowdery, John 42

Crawford, Harry 4-5, 154

Croft, Eric 4-5, 23, 41



Dahlstrom, Nancy 118

Daniel, Pat 142

Denali—The Alaska Gas Pipeline 167-168, 180, 185-187, 192

Dickinson, Dan 30-31, 193-194

Dyson, Fred 11-12



Economic Limit Factor (ELF) 12-14, 39

Econ One 15, 30, 39-40

Enbridge 107-110, 142

Eni 145

Explorers 65-66


ExxonMobil: AGIA 89, 123, 131, 140, 145, 165, 167; gas issue 167; fiscal certainty 3; Massey, Martin 131; Murkowski 1, 5, 6, 9, 68; Point Thomson 6, 9, 68; Prudhoe Bay 6; trans-Alaska oil pipeline tariffs 6; Palin 2006 meetings 62, 71; Palin on Stranded Gas Development Act 78-79



FBI 40, 136, 140

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 7, 124

Federal Trade Commission 181

Federal indictments 11

Fiscal certainty 3, 65, 95, 171, 186-187

Fiscal contract under Stranded Gas Development Act 1, 19, 45-48

Flint Hills 7

Foerster, Cathy 173-176

Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. 159, 162, 184

Foster, Morris 10, 21

French, Hollis 34, 137



Galvin, Pat: AGIA 84-85, 112-114, 116, 127; AGIA ideas from Palin 124; AGIA misinformation 143-145; Alaska Gasline Port Authority 180, 182-183; Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority 73-74; background 68; ExxonMobil message 131; gas issue 168-171, 192; legislative hearings, joint extended 193; Palin 2006 meetings 64; Palin, working with 146; PPT 149-150; Point Thomson 68; TransCanada Alaska license 187-189


Gara, Les 16

Gas reserves tax 4-5, 154

Gatto, Carl 107, 110, 127, 130

Gibson, Kurt 64, 125-126

Gilbert, James 153-154

Gottstein, David 181-182

Guttenberg, David 4-5, 109-110, 156-157



Haagenson, Steve 181

Hanley, Mark 129-130

Harris, John 20, 134, 155-156, 184

Hayward, Tony 10, 21

Heinze, Harold 73-76

Hellenthal, Marc 155-157

Heyworth, Scott 73, 75-76

Hickel, Walter 28, 32, 180-182

Houston, Martin 164-165

Huggins, Charlie 80, 98, 101, 112, 114-115



Irwin, Tom: AGIA 83-84, 89, 113-115, 124-125, 145; Alaska Gasline Port Authority 180, 182; background 67, 69; communicating with oil companies 145; Murkowski, fired by 34; negotiating strategy 9-10; Palin 46, 63, 77; Palin, working with 148; Stranded Gas Development Act, 2005 letter on negotiations under 184, against fiscal contract secrecy 32, no completed deal 84, problems with fiscal contract 37-38, questions direction of negotiations 34-35; TransCanada Alaska AGIA license 187, 189



Jeffress, Bill 35



Keane, David 128-129, 165

Kern River Gas Transmission Co. 107, 117-121, 142-143, 163-165; see also MidAmerican Energy Holdings

Kerttula, Beth 137

King, Wendy 132

Knowles, Tony 62

Kohring, Vic 42, 117

Kott, Pete 42

Krenze, Doug 107-109

Kuparuk River 12

Kvisle, Hal 190-192



Laird, Paul 33, 141

Lee, Dominic S.F. 178

LeFevre, Dick 35, 77

Legislature, Alaska 20, 31, 39

Leman, Loren 51

LeMieux, Vince 128-129

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 73-76, 103, 179-183, 187-189, 193

Litigation 7-9

Little Susitna Construction Co. 159, 178

Loeffler, Bob 35

Logsdon, Chuck 24-26



Magnificent 7 34-35; see also Tom Irwin, Mark Myers, Marty Rutherford

Marquez, David 35, 67

Marshall, Steve 21

Marushack, Joe 90-98

Massey, Martin “Marty” 47, 98-99, 131

McCain, John 155, 157, 191

Menge, Mike 68

Metcalfe, Ray 42

MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. 140-143, 163-164; see also Kern River Gas Transmission Co.

Mitsubishi 76

Morgan, Kirk 117-121, 141-143, 163-164

Mulva, Jim 10, 21, 165, 183


Murkowski, Frank: 2006 meeting with Big 3 10-11; 2006 primary loss 48, 52; gas reserves tax 5; Tom Irwin firing 67; MidAmerican and SGDA 163; Production Profits Tax (PPT) 1, 19; Stranded Gas Development Act negotiations 1, 6, 22, 61, 70


Myers, Mark: 2005 SGDA letter 184; Big 3 9; Magnificent 7 29, 35; net profit share 30; net tax 29-30; Petroleum Profits Tax, opposed to 29; Point Thomson 68; Stranded Gas Development Act negotiations 36-37, 47; TransCanada 37; U.S. Geological Survey 36



National Energy Board 103

Natural gas prices 17, 61

Natural gas supplies 17-18

North Slope 4

North Slope Borough 146

North Slope producers 152, 160, 191; see also Big 3



Oil industry, public sentiment toward, 45-46

Oil prices 14, 16

Oil revenues, Alaska, 13-14

Open season 92, 112

Owen, Richard 21



Palin, Sarah: 2006 meetings 61-71; Alaska Constitution 26-29; Alaska Gasline Inducement Act 79-83; AGIA applications 159-160; AGIA introduction 89, purpose 123; AGIA defending against producers 132-133; AGIA final passage 136, 138-139; AGIA license applications 194-195; Alaska Gasline Port Authority 52, 66, 70, 180-182; Big 3 1; Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority 180; Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) 154-155; candidacy for lt. governor 2002 51; candidacy for governor 53; ConocoPhillips application 183-184; Denali 185-186; ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson, on 86-87; gas issue 167-168, 192; gas reserves tax, opposed 5; gas team 62; gross tax preference 30; Tom Irwin on Palin’s departure from Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 69; Magnificent 7 27; John McCain 191; negotiation style 47; Petroleum Profits Tax, asks delay in vote 23; PPT review 149-150; pipeline ownership concerns 7; popularity in polls 155-157; Randy Ruedrich, Gregg Renkes, ethics complaints against 41; Stranded Gas Development Act contract 1-2; SGDA opposition 65, 66, 70, 89; SGDA secrecy concern 19, 31; successes, failures around oil industry 145; TransCanada Alaska AGIA license 187-189; working with 146, 147, 148, 151


Palmer, Tony 110-115; 162, 190

Parnell, Sean, 64

Patrick, Judy 41, 51

Petroleum Profits Tax or Production Profits Tax (PPT) 19-20, 40, 149-150

Phillips Petroleum 181

Production taxes 3, 93

Point Thomson 6, 8-9, 68, 112, 173, 175-176

Prudhoe Bay 6, 8-9, 48-49, 112, 172-175



Ramras, Jay 24

Repsol 145

Republican Party 148

Ruedrich, Randy 41


Rutherford, Marty: 2005 Stranded Gas Development Act letter 184; 2006 meetings 66; Alaska Gasline Inducement Act 81, 85, 89, 139; AGIA applications 160-161; communication with oil companies 145; gas issue 168; background 63; Magnificent 7 resignation 35; Palin administration 63, 77; Palin, working with 151; SGDA cost of fiscal incentives 37-40; SGDA memo to law 67; SGDA negotiations 35-36; TransCanada, lead SGDA negotiator 63; TransCanada license 187, 189-190



Samuels, Ralph 24, 80, 119-120, 126, 133, 184-185

Scott, Antony 126-127

Seamount, Dan 147

Shell 145-149

Ship or pay 92-93

Shippers vs. sponsors 62

Sinopec ZPEB 159, 178

Slaiby, Pete 146-147

Sokol, David 140-142, 159, 163

Spur line to Southcentral Alaska 73-75, 95, 162

StatoilHydro 145

Stedman, Bert 97, 101, 135-137

Stevens, Ben 20-21, 42, 53


Stranded Gas Development Act: ConocoPhillips proposal compared to 183; fiscal contract negotiations 2; MidAmerican applied under 163; Palin comments on 77-79; Palin wants replaced 65, 70; private negotiations 19; producers want to start with SGDA 70-71


Suttles, Doug 154, 185-187



Tarn field 12

Tesoro 7

Therriault, Gene 137, 156-157

Thompson, Nan 69

Tillerson, Rex 86-87

Total 145

Trans-Alaska oil pipeline 2-3, 6-7


TransCanada: Alaska Gasline Inducement Act 110-115; AGIA application 159, 162, 179; AGIA application hearings 193; AGIA license recommended, approved 187-190, 194-195; gas issue 168; interest in Alaska gas pipeline 107; Hal Kvisle 190-192; Palin on AGIA applications 184; pipeline capacity out of Canada 103-104; potential former partner liability 185; Stranded Gas Development Act negotiations 37; SGDA Rutherford lead negotiator 63



Udelhoven Oilfield Systems Service 153

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit 146

U.S. Minerals Management Service 146



Van Tuyl, Dave 99-101; 131-132

VECO 32, 40-42, 58-60



Wagoner, Tom 11, 33

Walker, Bill 180

Welch, Nancy 35

Whitaker, Jim 161

Wielechowski, Bill 99, 113

Wilken, Gary 33, 145